วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Convert United States Dollar to Thai Baht (10000 baht to usd)

" 10000 baht to usd ?".

 10000 usd = 354.4 Baht ( 11 Nov-2016)

For the exsample to Convert United States Dollar to Thai Baht .

You can use formular  10000  X( ECR/1000) .

When " ECR"  is the exchange rate bath / 1 usd. 

see the daily exchange rate (ECR).

Ex:  At  11 Nov-2016 the ECR is 35.44  (Usd)

So 10000 usd = 10000 X (35.44/1000) = 354.4 Baht.

(the exchang rate : 35.44 bath / 1 usd at 11 Nov-2016  ).

Credit picture from https://pixabay.com

