Goodbye in Thai = Laa-gàwn (Kâ/Kráb)
When you want to say Goodbye in Thai language.You can say "Laa-gàwn (Kâ/Kráb) ".
If you are female ,you can say " Laa-gàwn-Kâ " .
If you are male ,you can say "Laa-gàwn Kráb".
Kâ/Kráb is indicate polite sentence.
However,there are many words that can be used for Goodbye in Thai .
For the other words of goodbye in Thai.
Laa-gàwn-Nâ (Kâ/Kráb).
Pai-gàwn-Nâ (Kâ/Kráb).
Bye Bye (Kâ/Kráb).
Tong-Pai-laew (Kâ/Kráb).
Pai-laew (Kâ/Kráb).
Sà-wàd-dee (Kâ/Kráb).