How to Say " Thank You" in Thai language.
Thank You = Khob Khun Krab or Khob Khun ka.
When you want to say Thank you in Thai language .
You can speak word " Khob Khun Krab or Khob Khun ka ".
If you are a man you need to speak "Khob Khun Krab"
If you are a woman you need to speak "Khob Khun Ka".
The word "Krab" and "Ka" is indicate the polite of sentence when you talk with someone.
Anyway, Yo can speak Khob-Khun without "Krap" and "Ka" in case you talk with close friend.
In Thai language ,to indicate polite ,The word "Krab" and "Ka"not only use with Khob Khun (Thank you in thai) but also every conversations by put on the last word of each sentence.
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